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April 07, 2008



Hi Cynthia
Just read one of your posts to Penni's site. She's awesome, isn't she?

The reason I'm writing is because I have dealt with the food issues as well, and wanted to offer my encouragement.

On my blog I post my imperfect journey. We don't have to be perfect to be making progress!

I see you are a knitter! Haven't posted anything on my knitting yet - but that's a good idea for another blog. I love to knit and crochet, and have also learned how to spin my own yarn.

Have a super day


Hi Cynthia
Just read one of your posts to Penni's site. She's awesome, isn't she?

The reason I'm writing is because I have dealt with the food issues as well, and wanted to offer my encouragement.

On my blog I post my imperfect journey. We don't have to be perfect to be making progress!

I see you are a knitter! Haven't posted anything on my knitting yet - but that's a good idea for another blog. I love to knit and crochet, and have also learned how to spin my own yarn.

Have a super day

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