Seems like September arrived with a bang, I'm hear, like me or not! It makes people think of last winter and how much snow we had, and the cold. Seems like it's coming on quickly, what with the Farmers Almanac saying we are to have 150" of snow, what IS that about...really??! And cold, hey we expect cold, it's Wisconsin, and snow, yea we have snow....but 150"? Last year they said we had like 100", and let me tell you living in town, there was no place left to put any snow. I had left out my Adirondack chairs, and they were literally buried!! That's snow. Like when I was a kid snow!
Well enough of that! I have tons to update here, and it's time to get crack-a-lac-kin!
I seem to be able to blissfully type away, as I was not previously able to before what with all the changes they have been making with Typepad! So am quite excited about that, I will see when I upload my images what that will or won't do. favorite time of year. I am knitting....always knitting. We have a delightful new addition to our family, a girl. Olivia Jade, she is the daughter to my son, Jeremy and wife, and favorite daughter in-law, Jessie.
Also have been painting, a lot, house and my canvas work. We also, are working on family things, mixed in with a wedding, birthdays, and a funeral. So life is as life is. You just keep picking yourself up, praying, and going on. Taking the joys that come, and the buffering of sadness, and changes. We are either strengthened by them or, they will crumble us. I find I must have some me time. Some quiet, some comfort food, and yarn, knitting, and maybe just a bit of wine!
I will post more has I am trying this new stuff out, and will get my photos from my camera uploaded and organized...later people's!