I am so excited! A wonderful shop has opened its arms to me to show my art and sell it. I will post pictures soon. It's in Mineral Point, which is a picturesque artful town. Filled with creativeness, shops, wonderful sights and good food. A feast for the senses on every level. And...if you park and walk, some good exercise as well!!! Molly is having a Christmas themed open house at her shop...La Bella Vita this weekend! Like I said, I will be posting pictures soon...
In other news, summer has been interesting at best. My garden is a total FLOP. Having no veggies to speak of except some cucumbers, which I am enjoying. I THOUGHT I planted bush beans. But have vining beans instead, that look like topiarys now! With NO blossoms at all!!! What's up with that! Had some lettuces, but no way near the 4-5 rows I planted. sigh, better next year?
These are pictures from last year of painting at the school where I work..
I had to "conquer" the Genie and going up about 25'. Ugh!
From the book by Jan Brett, The Mitten. On the wall in the Elementary girls bathroom.
Also in the Elementary, in the Boys bathroom.
That updates a little! I will get pictures uploaded of my painting adventures this year!
This is really only a small portion. There is a whole school of just regular painting, touch up, cleaning...it really does take a village! And our maintenance dept. only includes a wonderful Supervisor, Phillip and 2 other gals...Rose and Julie...we all work extremely hard to make our school a place where the teachers, staff, and children experience a clean, creative and colorful environment. Organized and in place for a full school year!!! WHEW!!
Great blog. Nice paintings.Will recommend to others.
Posted by: Kitchen | March 28, 2011 at 09:23 PM